Sunday, December 29, 2019

The Financial Crisis Of 2007-2008 - 1419 Words

An excess of regulation, rather than an insufficiency of it, was the principal cause of the recent credit crunch. The financial crisis of 2007–2008, also known as the Global Financial Crisis and 2008 financial crisis, is considered by some economists such as Nouriel Roubini, professor of economics and international business at New York University, Kenneth Rogoff, professor of economics and public policy at Harvard University, and Nariman Behravesh, chief economist and executive vice president for IHS Global Insight, to have been the worst financial crisis since the Great Depression of the 1930s. All of them agreed that this is a â€Å"one in fifty years event†, however the latest Great Recession is not a typical cyclical recession of the World Economy and no doubt will last for more that usual two years (Business Wire, Reuters). The crisis played a significant role in the failure of key businesses, declines in consumer wealth estimated in trillions of U.S. dollars, and a downturn in economic activity leading to the 2008–2012 global recession and contributing to the European sovereign-debt crisis. (M. N. Baily, D. J. Elliott, 2009). So what are the cÐ °uses of this crisis? MÐ °ny factors dirÐ µctly and indirectly caused the Great Recession, with expÐ µrts plÐ °cing different weights upon pÐ °rticular causes. Major cÐ °uses of the initial sub-prime mortgage crisis and following recession include: InternÐ °tional trade imbalances and tax lending stÐ °ndards contributing to high levels of dÐ µvelopedShow MoreRelatedThe Financial Crisis Of 2007-20081389 Words   |  6 PagesOne of the most devastating aspects of the financial crisis of 2007-2008 to middle-class America was the crash of the housing market. Millions of Americans were affected and faced foreclosures on homes that were purchased with subprime mortgages. The impact of these mortgages varied state to state. Nevada, one of the countries leading tourist destinations, led the market in foreclosure rates and housing appraisal drops. The government s false sense of security in regards to the economy and theRead More2007-2008 Financial Crisis1327 Words   |  6 PagesThe Global Financial Crisis of 2007-2008 The Global Financial Crisis 2007-2008 Economists and scholars spend years dissecting financial markets and evaluating the causes of booms and busts. Throughout United States history there have been multiple economic booms that were underestimated and followed by recessions. In the situation of the 2007-2008 global financial crisis many culprits have been identified as causes, such as loose monetary policy, credit booms, deregulation, over complexity,Read MoreThe Financial Crisis Of 2007-2008994 Words   |  4 Pages The subprime financial crisis of 2007-2008 was brought on by much more than unethical traders. It consisted of multiple variables: the deterioration in financial institutions’ balance sheets, asset price decline, increase in interest rates, and an increase in market ambiguity. This in turn led to the worsening of the adverse selection and moral hazard situation in the market, which led to a decline in economic activity, bringing forth the banking crisis. After the banking crisis, an unanticipatedRead MoreThe Financial Crisis Of 2007 / 2008 Essay808 Words   |  4 PagesThe financial crisis of 2007/2008 had a negative impact on the UK economy, resulting in low growth and high level of unemployment while inflation constantly remained above the 2% target. In those extraordinary circumstances focus of monetary policy had to be on growth rather than reaching inflation target, resulting in gradual reduction of the Bank rate from 5.75% in middle of 2007 to its lowest level of 0.5% in the beginning of 2009 (BoE, 2014). Although, a low interest rate led to significant depreciationRead MoreThe Financial Crisis of 2007-2008541 Words   |  2 PagesThe financial crisis of 2007-2008 had more sounding effects on financial institutions even greater than the crisis brought about by the stocks downfall in the 1990’s. The reason for this is that the financial institutions were at the centre of the whole crisis. And financial institutions being one of the key pillars in a country’ s economy, the crisis was bound to have a big effect in US as a whole. So, in order to understand what rely happened, it is wise to go through the paper written by NicholasRead MoreThe Financial Crisis Of 2007-2008928 Words   |  4 PagesDefine: Introduction The Financial Crisis of 2007-2008 was considered to be the worst financial crisis since the Great Depression in the decade preceding World War II. The Global Financial Crisis threatened large range of the financial organizations. Although the central banks and other banks were trying to keep away from the crisis, the stock market still suffered a huge decline internationally. Other than the global stock market, the house market was also influenced greatly, causing the unemploymentRead MoreThe Financial Crisis Of 2007 / 20081914 Words   |  8 PagesThe financial crisis of 2007/2008 had a negative impact on the UK economy, resulting in low growth and high level of unemployment while inflation constantly remained above the 2% target. In those extraordinary circumstances focus of monetary policy had to be on growth rather than reaching inflation target, resulting in gradual reduction of the Bank rate from 5.75% in middle of 2007 to its lowest level of 0.5% in the beginning of 2009 (BoE , 2014). Although, a low interest rate led to significant depreciationRead MoreThe Financial Crisis Of 2007-2008 Essay2367 Words   |  10 PagesWhen discussing the financial crisis of 2007-2008, it is incredibly important to discuss the relevance of the government bailout and organized sale of Bear Stearns. There is a large amount of discussion behind whether or not Bear Stearns, a large investment based financial institution, should have been bailed out by the US government. The decision to bail out and have a government-orchestrated sale of Bear Stearns was an incredibly complicated situation to discuss and there are parts of which cannotRead MoreThe Global Financial Crisis Of 2007-20081123 Words   |  5 PagesThe Global Financial Crisis of 2007-2008 is the worst financial crisis since the 1930’s The Great Depression (Reuters, 2009). Even if bailouts of banks by national governments prevented the collapse of major financial institutions, worldwide stock markets continue d to drop. Evictions and foreclosures overwhelmed the housing market while severed unemployment embraced the labor market (Baily and Elliot, 2009). This global financial crisis was responsible for the decline in the consumers’ wealth, andRead MoreEffects Of The Financial Crisis Of 2007-20081763 Words   |  8 PagesFinancial crisis of 2007-2008 is widely considered to be the worst financial crisis since the Great Depression of 1930s. The origin of this big storm dated back to the high home prices of the United States. After America’s entire investment banking system was attacked, many industries such as auto industry also went bankrupt. Unfortunately, it spread quickly to the whole world, causing huge damages to the global economy. Therefore, my study will focus on the effects of the financial crisis of 2007-2008

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Essay about Genetically Engineered Crops - 1506 Words

Everyone should stop recycling. Everyone should drive their gasoline cars more, leave the lights on, let the water run, and go wild with any noxious chemicals, regardless of our aquatic friends. After all, even with all of these environment preserving activities, we could still greatly damage our ecosystems. The cause of this is simply because of the technological pollution caused by the use of genetically engineered crops. These plants are different in that they have had genes inserted into their genetic code, giving them added traits which are suppose to aid them in producing greater yield or defending against insects and disease, amongst other benefits. But their benefits are short-sighted; people around the†¦show more content†¦For example, the tomato plant and a related inedible plant with nematode resistance were mated together in the ‘30s and ‘40s to pass along this resistance to the tomato plant. However, even though the mating worked, the cross-pollination, as Charles Gasser, an associate professor of molecular and cellular biology at the University of California-Davis says, â€Å"brought with it 50 or 100 other genes† (Phillips, Sect. Overview, par. 33). The concern here is that the extra genes could have produced side-effects that would have made the plant enedible or worse. Another concern with selective breeding is the amount of time it would take to produce a variety that would consistently display the wanted trait. According to agricultural experts, such an endeavor could take up to 10 years (Hosansky, Sect. In The Beginning, par. 4). Genetic engineering helps to solve these issues by allowing scientists to isolate and manipulate individual genes, which not only prevents other genes from being inserted into future generations, but allows scientists to directly apply that gene, preventing the wait needed for see if plants have successfully passed on the correct gene. Working faster to produce designer plants though, much like driving at high speeds, prevents us from seeing that there are dangers to utilizing this hasty method. Thedangers that genetically engineered crops entailShow MoreRelatedBenefits Of Genetically Engineered Crops1626 Words   |  7 PagesPeople opposed to genetically engineered crops believe genetically engineering a crop to have a higher nutritional value will cause problems with a person’s diet. They believe people will then disregard other foods besides the new genetically engineered food, and this will cause other health issues. This does not seem likely because genetically engineered crops with enhanced nutritional value are aimed to help people reach a certain daily value of a vitamin or mineral, not to replace a person’s wholeRead More Genetically Engineered Crops Essays1872 Words   |  8 PagesGenetically Engineered Crops Chemical and seed companies have been working the last several years to alter the genetic make-up of certain crops to combat heavy pressure from insects and weeds. Through genetic manipulation plant breeders have been able to make certain crops resistant to different types of chemicals and insects. Breeders can alter the crops by adding to a specific plant one or more genes from other related crops with a known resistance to an insect or herbicide The use of geneticallyRead MoreGenetically Engineered Crops Essay1374 Words   |  6 Pages Many of our crops today are what you would call genetically engineered. This means that certain plants are taken to a lab where specific genes are genetically enhanced with desired traits such as resistance to herbicides, insecticides, drought, and even improved nutritional content. While that may sound like a win for everyone such as the farmers as well as the consumers, there are many disadvantages that not only affect our health, but our environm ent as well as the economy. With several factsRead MoreGenetically Engineered Crops Essay1694 Words   |  7 Pages The Government Funded Cause and â€Å"Cure† of Chronic Illness: The Human Experiment of Genetically Engineered Crops and the 3 Trillion Dollar Industry That Profiteers From It Ivette Alvarado Carroll University Waukesha, WI December 4, 2017 Abstract The purpose of this research is to further investigate the long-term effects of the consumption of genetically engineered crops (GE), the herbicide glyphosate or Roundup, and other food safety concerns in relation to an increased rateRead MoreThe Labeling Of Genetically Engineered Crops834 Words   |  4 PagesIntroduction: In an immense variation of ways, farmers grow their crops and keep them healthy and ready for distribution. The need for a greater variety of healthy and resistant crop is consistently rising as populations continue to increase around the world. Yet, agricultural food scientists have manipulated the DNA structure of countless foods. One main concern for consumers is the use of GMOs, genetically engineered crops. However, GMOs are very hard to find when manufacturers claim to not haveRead MoreGenetically Engineered Crops ( Oftenly Called Gmos )1356 Words   |  6 PagesGenetically Engineered crops (oftenly called GMOs) are used to help improve plants. ( says) GM, which stands for genetic modification or genetically modified , is the process of altering the genes of a plant, animal or micro-organism, or inserting a gene from another organism (living thing). This is done in labs and was created to help benefit plant life by replacing or modifying genes in plant life.Gene s carry instructions from DNA on what characteristics an organism inherits(FoodRead MoreThe Dangers Of Genetically Engineered Crops Far Outweigh The Benefits982 Words   |  4 PagesThe Dangers of Genetically Engineered Crops far outweigh the Benefits You might know what GMOs are or at least you have heard about it, but for them, who do not know what GMOs are, Genetically Modified Organisms also known as (GMO), are those whose DNA is modified by implantation of a variety of bacteria or other organisms. Those changes are made not only to prevent pests attacking crops but also to make them grow fast among other alterations. It is well known that GMOs has been a polemical issueRead MoreEssay about Genetically Engineered Food Crops: Benefits Outweigh Risks1632 Words   |  7 PagesGenetically Engineered Food Crops: Benefits Outweigh Risks Genetically engineered (GE) food crops have caused heated debate in the food industry for many decades and have caused many consumers major concern. According to Dr. Carroll Rawn, a biology professor at Seton Hall University, genetically engineering food entails taking genes from a certain crop and inserting those genes in the DNA of another. This process changes the nucleotide sequence of the crop and, therefore, its characteristicsRead MoreGenetically Food And Drug Administration Regulates Labeling Of Genetically Modified Food1090 Words   |  5 PagesGenetically engineered has foreign genes inserted into their genetic code. In 1973 the idea of a man made DNA or rDNA came from Stanford University from a grad student. Also Professor Herbert Boyer and some of his biologist friends decided to try it. 75 percent of our processed food that U.S. produce contain some genetically modified ingredients. Some of this are crackers, breakfast cereal, and some cooking oils. Mostly every thing that contains soy or corn even high fructose corn syrup have at leastRead MoreArguments Of Proponents And Opponents Of The Safe And Accurate Food Labeling Act1744 Words   |  7 Pagesweakness of each side’s argument. One argument that proponents make about genetically modified food is that they are no different than natural foods. An argument that opponents make is that genetically modified organisms have not been tested enough because they are fairly new and some scientist truly don’t have an understanding of how it will affect humans bodies differently than natural foods. Proponents argue that genetically engineered foods have no needs for labeling; it would lead to consumer confusion

Friday, December 13, 2019

All I could hear was drilling; ear-splitting drilling, pounding through my head Free Essays

All I could hear was drilling! Ear-splitting drilling pounded excruciatingly through my head! All morning workmen had been digging up the road outside my house and the noise was driving me mad. All I wanted to do was read my book but I couldn’t even do that! I grabbed my book, stomped out of my house, slamming the door behind me! I just ran. I ran through the garden, ignoring my mother hollering at me and commanding me to return inside and finish some tedious task or other. We will write a custom essay sample on All I could hear was drilling; ear-splitting drilling, pounding through my head or any similar topic only for you Order Now I raced through the garden, past my neighbour’s house, through the fields and finally I found peace! It was beside a little river, which was gurgling quietly by, not disturbing anyone. The setting was tranquil and precisely how I wanted it. I lay down on the grass under an old wrinkled willow tree. My only company was two large dragonflies, which hummed and hovered by the riverbank. I picked up my book; it was entitled, Encyclopaedia of Shells, by R. H. De Bruyne. I opened up the book at a random page; I glanced at the page number, 109. A beautiful shell stared out of the page at me, the Cypraea aurantium, a rare breed of the cowrie family found deep in exotic coral reefs. Each photograph was taken at a different angle of the shell, complimenting the exquisiteness of the shell’s astounding beauty. Out of the dark, rusty golden mouth shone brilliant teeth, like that of a shark. However, on the topside of the shell there was the most magnificent golden hue, which resembled a giant golden pendant from ancient times. Now I understood why it was called the Golden Cowrie. I began to read about where to find this rare and stunning shell. The words drifted through my mind†¦ â€Å"The Cypraea aurantium can be found in the beautiful coral reef, off the coast of Australia; particularly upon the south east section of corals†¦ I found myself dreaming of scuba diving amongst the corals of the Australian coast. I was sitting on board a small boat, stocked up with scuba diving equipment. An old man with white, wispy hair stood at the helm, his creased skin weathered by many years spent in the salty sea air. The little boat bobbed up and down on the waves like a cork, but that didn’t bother me. I loved being out at sea, whether I was swimming, diving, fishing or just relaxing on deck; I loved it. Today, I was scuba diving in search of wonderful shells, which could be found hidden in the vivid corals. I might also pick up some shards of coral broken off by passing boats, and photograph beautiful shoals of fish swimming in their natural habitat. The area of corals I was exploring was surprisingly far out to sea, 27 kilometres to be exact! It was a remote and wildly uncharted region and I hoped to be one of the first to explore it. Finally, after spending the first early hours of the morning out at the sea, we reached our destination. There were a few uninhabited islands surrounding us but they were of no interest to me. I stared down into the rippling cyan ocean. The little waves were foaming as they splashed against the side of the now still boat. After much tugging and heaving I managed to squeeze into my wetsuit. I grabbed the heavy oxygen tank and checked that the oxygen level was full. Then I slung my oxygen tank on my back, spat into my goggles, tied my equipment strap around my waist and I was ready. I plunged into the watery depths and began to swim downwards. After a few minutes I opened my eyes to behold a most breath-taking sight. Corals of every hue and shade imaginable glowed all around me like a necklace of exquisite gems catching the light. They were like no corals I had ever seen before; their colours were so vibrant, and each one uniquely and intricately formed. I was overwhelmed by the pulchritude of my surroundings, a beauty that could not be emulated my man. I felt out of place, as though I didn’t deserve to be in this place of wonder. My heart swelled with emotion. I was swayed so greatly by the beauty of the corals that I forget why I was diving, I forgot that there were other wonders still to behold. Eventually, I drew myself out of the trance and I began to swim further. Tiny little fish swam past me, tickling me as they touched my exposed feet. A turtle swam past leisurely, gaping around at its watery surroundings. As I swam deeper, it gradually became darker. The ocean became inky-blue but the corals did not lose their vibrant colours. One thing that did change however, were the fish. They appeared to have a more ghostly appearance and some almost seemed to be filled with light. One particular beast caught my eye. It was shaped like a squid with long, slender tentacles. These tentacles glowed with an ominous electric blue light. It was odd. Although I loathed this beast, I felt drawn to its colourful strands of light, and found it strangely attractive. Suddenly, it darted behind a huge rock! This beast could sense danger. Something much more sinister was lurking nearby. Quickly, I dived behind the rock for cover! A shark was swimming towards me. If I didn’t hide I would be torn to pieces. From my lair I could see clearly what was happening without being seen. I hastily brought out my under-water camcorder. I began filming just as the shark past only a few feet away from me. It was colossal! At least ten feet long! It opened its gigantic mouth to reveal rows upon rows of treacherous white teeth. Its gills flapped and rippled as it breathed. A massive scar slashed across its silvery-grey fin confirmed that this beast had fought and won previous conflicts. After what felt a lifetime, its streamlined body slipped out of sight. I gave a sigh of relief hoping and praying it wouldn’t disrupt my exploration further. As the water calmed and cleared, I noticed a large wooden structure before me. It was old, rustic and encrusted with barnacles. A long wooden mast protruded from the helm, its bolts and harnesses rusty and creaky. From the mast, shreds of what had been billowing white sails floated faintly in the ocean, a shadow of what they had once been. Their ghostly appearance sent a chill down my spine. It appeared to be a majestic galleon, a ship from times of exploration. However, this exploration appeared to have gone foul. Intrigued by the galleons wraithlike, eerie appearance, I darted into the ship. I saw a latch and decided to heave it open. A shrill piercing voice escaped my mouth! A phantasmal figure floated up out of the stairway! The white bony corpse still had tatters of clothing on him with wisps of hair still protruding his skull. After a few moments gasping for breath and my heart racing, I regained calm and pushed it out of my way. I proceeded down into what appeared to be the captain’s quarters. I gazed around the room; his chest was still intact, full of clothing (a little shoddier than it had previously been), a mahogany telescope with gold embellishments, and a Prussian blue hat. I examined the telescope, which was engraved with the name Captain E. J. Sharpe, 1581. Questions flooded through my mind. I continued in the pursuit of answers examining further areas of the ship. After exploring almost every crevice I found another chest, smaller than the previous one. I opened it slowly, wondering what surprises I would uncover. This chest did not contain rubies, emeralds or gold, but it did contain treasure of a different kind. The captain of this ship appreciated beauty of another kind; the chest was full of the most exquisite shells, gifts from the ocean. There were clams, scallops, whelks to name but only few. But in the midst of all these shells, gleamed a beautiful Golden Cowrie. After carefully packing all the shells into a sack, and a few other artefacts of interest, I proceeded to the surface laden with my treasure. I swam to the edge of a nearby island where I was to be picked up by the old sailor. After a short swim I reached the shore. I found a cave with a cool waterfall and began to change out of my wetsuit and into a change of clothing, which I kept in a small waterproof compartment on my equipment belt. I returned to the beach and lay down on the hot golden sand wearing a bikini, with a sarong wrapped around my waste, soaking up the sun. The sea spray blew cooling on my face. Gradually, the sea spray became heavier and less salty until†¦ † â€Å"Ugh! † I woke up to the sound of raindrops pelting down on me! I ran home as quickly as possible, my summer dress drenched and my hair dripping! I stepped inside the house and closed the door behind me. â€Å"Look at you! I told you to come back in the house! Now I’m going to have to wash your clothes and those mud stains will be difficult to get rid of! What did I tell you young lady†¦ † my mother scowled. Things were loud and stressful as usual. But I was contented to be back where I belonged. How to cite All I could hear was drilling; ear-splitting drilling, pounding through my head, Papers

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Color Guard free essay sample

â€Å"Keep in line!† My coach screamed like she was going to burst. I straighten up. Breathing heavily. Scared. â€Å"Rain drops are falling on my head†¦Ã¢â‚¬  I look to my left and the guy walking next to me in line is singing. I chuckle to myself as his singing calms me down. We walk into the stadium and see hundreds of people and a few bands. One band is still performing. We’re next†¦ They finish up. Oh no†¦ We start walking to the end of the field, into our lines going off the 45 yard line. I look out into the audience and see more people there than at a football game. I take a deep breath one last time before we are whistled to start moving. I make it to my spot before the 32counts are up. I look around at the positions of the rest of the color guard, and position myself to make the arc less straight. We will write a custom essay sample on Color Guard or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The whistle blows and the band members start playing and moving into their next position. I move. My flag twirling at just the right time along will all the other flags. I smile. I look around at other flags to make sure mine isn’t going to fast or to slow. The others do the same. The first song has ended and we were all together and we knew it. We were happy. As the second song begins, I get scared for a moment. The last performance I messed up right at this spot. I go down with the others and up at my spot. I did it! I smile bigger now. The rest of the song goes exactly like the first. All together. And the rest of the performance looks like we are all one person. When we walk off and go to our seats, we pass another band. â€Å"That was awesome† â€Å"You did wonderful† â€Å"Amazing†. They loved our performance, and their comments made us feel like we could climb a mountain. 2 weeks, 8 hours a day and just one performance before and we looked like we had practiced non-stop. Even with hundreds of people watching, we performed like we were one person.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Technology and negative effects

Technology and negative effects The development of technology has drastically changed the world. As people are unable to calculate the rates of progress, it is impossible to determine what changes will be brought about with an even greater increase in technological advancements. Modern technology would seem futuristic to someone thirty or even twenty years ago. Primarily, the whole question of the change in technology is very questionable.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Technology and negative effects specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Previously, humans were not able to achieve this sort of breakthrough and then, within a very short amount of time, technology came to be. Many people question whether it was a natural evolution or humanity had some help from some other form of alien life. But no matter how it came to be, technology is presently taking over the lives of people and natural existence. There is no way to get rid of evolution and so, peop le must learn how to control it and predict what will come next. The biggest question is that sometimes the problems overtake the benefits of technology. This closely relates to the social media and all the out coming issues. Primarily, there is the safety concern, as the information used in the social networks can be used by the advertisement websites. Even though there are safeguards that try to prevent personal information from being shared with other institutions and sites, there are still some was that information gets out. â€Å"Facebook† has been one of the sited networks that is widely used by people, but has compromised some private information. Even though the damage has been done, the site has adjusted its policies to better suite users (Network Security 2010). Another issue is that people who share information online cannot really control who can access their web page and browse their personal information. Anyone can leave a comment and become involved in a group of friends. This leads to many concerns, but people are still not aware of the security issues. The unfortunate part is that people do not pay attention to the growing concern and continue using the social networks. It has become so popular that individuals feel to be required to upgrade their social status and produce information that can be acknowledged by others. Another disadvantage is faced by educational institutions in the possibility of students using the online society without any control. The unauthorized use of online resources, plagiarism and communication with others will greatly increase the student’s chances to use it to their advantage, without relying on their own intelligence. Also a student may discuss the topics given with other students, as well as other people. This would make the work less individual and the views expressed and information used will be representative of a collective of people instead of that particular student. As the opinion of the ind ividual is the required aspect of work, social networks influence people in an undesired way.Advertising Looking for essay on other technology? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Very often, people will succumb to the pressure and join the majority, as no one wants to be outside the circle and be seen as an outsider. Peer pressure is a very strong force, and it can be seen as the predominant power in the social media and internet networks. In the twenty-first century, the use of technology has become an everyday occurrence. People are dependent on it in almost all aspects of life. In many instances it has put a major dent in the relationships between people and societies. Technology has distanced people from one another. The communication over large distances makes people closer and unites relatives who could not talk previously. The cheaper phone rates and use of video calling has made communication much more accessibl e (Green, 2002). Another problem is the development of virtual reality technology which has reached heights that were not even imagined 20 years ago. There are ways to experience physical sensations, smells and other â€Å"real world† stimuli through the gaming experiences. The expressions of different forms of stimuli make cyber world more realistic than ever. This engulfs the person in a fake existence, making the real world unneeded and unwanted by the person. The conscious mind forgets that a person is in the computer world. The simulation of feelings and thoughts becomes so real that a person believes into the reality of the computer program and spends numerous hours in the cyber world. There is a lot of evidence in the present times that supports this. The games and computer programs are so interactive and realistic that a person can spend a lot of time immersed into the game. There are numerous stories about people who live in a world of computers and virtual spaces. A n article titled â€Å"The Right to Privacy is Not a Right to Facebook†, talks about weather the information used on the network should be available to others. Even though there are several layers of security and people are warned about the harms of personal information leaking, organizations are the ones that are using the private information to own advantage. Another problem is that people get so focused on the distant communication through phones and computers that the need for face-to-face communication has become useless. The development of social networks and the use of internet have made communication between people a form of social status. People focus on the way their facebook page looks, they pay great attention to the amount of pictures they post, number of responses that they receive to certain posts and comments about their status. The need to go out and do things became not needed. The interaction between people has come down to words on web pages and comments i n relation to behavior of others. It is also cheaper and more practical to live in the word of computers, where there is no need to go out, spend money in bars, different attractions and games that involve physical participation of the person and others.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Technology and negative effects specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Also, it is very time consuming, so people simply have no time to go out and enjoy nature and the company of others. The constant checking for the replies and posts of others, especially if there is an extreme amount of friends, takes up a lot of time (Restivo, 2005). Very often people add individuals to the category of â€Å"friends† through other people. They do not really know the person or are familiar with their individual personality. The only way they â€Å"know† them, is by pictures on their page and comments on their â€Å"wall†. The third a rticle talks about the control that is exhibited by the user. The social networks have put a major dent into the society. Self-efficacy and cognitive theory are made use of by understanding the concept of on-line security. The private information and the communication itself has become a public occurrence where people put their lives out on the public viewing without any concern for security or privacy. Another major issue with technology- texting and emails in particular, is the lack of emotion in the communication. The only way to express emotion is to put pre-set â€Å"smiles† beside words or phrases or to use the capital letters or exclamation marks. When people interact face-to-face, they see each other’s facial expressions, the look in the eyes and see their expression. They can hear the tone of voice and maybe hidden emotions that a person does not want the other to know but nonetheless has them. All of this is impossible to see and feel over the internet or tex ting. This makes people similar to robots, where the real emotions are not important anymore. Even if a person is sad, they will put a â€Å"smile† beside the word and the other person will not even realize that maybe they must offer a helping hand or console their friend. People become emotionally isolated and strangers (Shilling, 2004). Social media in general, teaches individuals to behave a certain way and to follow the majority. People feel the need to become something they would not think of without the examples given through internet or other mediums. Even though technology has helped people in a lot of ways, a person must realize its drawbacks and balance the use of technology with the physical interaction with others. The balance must be kept for technology to be helpful instead of detrimental. It is important to keep in mind that technology is not always error proof, thus reliability is a relative concept. There are many examples that show how technology has proven to be a negative influence on society, but people still continue its use. Security of the personal information is one of the most important things that a person has, and identity theft or abuse of private information has become widespread. People must become aware of the growing problem and use as much care as possible to protect their well being and individuality.Advertising Looking for essay on other technology? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More References Green, L. 2002. Communication, Technology and Society, SAGE, Thousand Oaks, CA. Network Security 2010. Web. Restivo, S. 2005. Science, Technology, and Society: An Encyclopedia, Oxford University Press, New York, NY. Shilling, C. 2004. The Body in Culture, Technology and Society, SAGE, Thousand Oaks, CA.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

E-Learning, the Possibilities of Replacing Traditional Learning Dissertation - 1

E-Learning, the Possibilities of Replacing Traditional Learning - Dissertation Example This dissertation is intended to find the possibilities of replacing traditional learning with E-learning .Such study is important in order to find or know the more suitable learning environments for the students and what skills they need in order to fulfil the E-learning course they are taking. Also, to know what are the advantages and disadvantages that the student believes that may affect his/her E-learning course, and do they have the responsibility and the self motivation to complete there on line course or assigned target within the specified time window. A survey was conducted with 22 questions to investigate the possibilities of totally replacing E-learning with the traditional classroom learning. The results reveals that some of the students are unfit in such kind of learning techniques as they do not have the kind of self-obedience to gain knowledge by mean of internet. It is also essential for the e-learners to obtain some kind of e-learning guidance before undertaking the course to avoid issues related with the technology. The findings from this dissertation provide evidence that although E-learning can be at least as effective as traditional classroom learning under certain situations, we are not in a position to claim that E-learning can replace the traditional classroom learning. ... requires more maturity and self-discipline from students than traditional classroom education, which may explain the higher dropout rates in e-learning programs compared to conventional programs. Nevertheless, we believe that e-learning is a promising alternative to traditional classroom learning, which is especially beneficial to remote and lifelong learning and training. In many cases, e-learning can significantly complement classroom learning. E-learning will keep growing as an indispensable part of academic and professional education. Key Words: e-learning, online course, traditional learning, environment, motivation, teaching and learning. Introduction Besides the technological development and boom in internet services and courses, traditional learning is still prevailing and students opt for traditional learning over the e-learning. The present study highlights the advantages of e-learning courses over the traditional learning process. The arrival of information technology, has made life easier and communication is on the fast track. It has eliminated the distances and thus one can utilize time to learn various other subjects that are beyond the scope of books. It is a convenient way of teaching and learning as it could be carried out in the classroom or outside the class. According to Fry (2000), "Delivery of training and education via networked interactivity and a range of other knowledge collection and distribution technologies". According to Wild, (2002), "The creation and delivery of knowledge via online services in the form of information, communication, education and training". According to Bleimann (2004), "e-learning is a self directed learning that is based on technology, especially web-based technology, thus e-learning is a collaborative learning".